Do you dream of being able to write and publish a book?
It does not just have to be a dream you can write a book and get published!
This blog will give you all the tips and support to help you achieve your dream of being a publised author.

Whatever you niche writing poetry, non-fiction, fiction, help books then getting your work in print is down to you! Nobody else! You can self publish or get yourself a publisher.

Please keep this Blog as favourites as i update regularly, it does not matter what type of book you want to write poetry book or novel, the principals in this blog will apply and be useful to you covering writing techniques and tips on getting published

Ways to Earn Money Writing

How to Earn Money Writing

Today i wanted to share with you my new blog that moves onto other forms of writing rather than just writing a book.

The blog covers many methods of earning money writing such as:
Writing Greeting cards
Writing Articles

Writing a book can take a long time so if you are looking for a way of earning some money from writing whilst you are finishing your book then this blog will be great for you.

How to Write a Good Book

Today i yet again put pen to paper in an attempt to progress in my latest project. I posted the other day about the importance of writing often which i wholeheartedly advise so as not to lose sight of your main goal which is to write a good book.

Today i write with the thought in mind of your overall layout of your book. If you cannot write good then you should not even be at this stage, practice makes perfect and a good deal of talent is required when writing a book. So i am not writing today about your writing skills and your creativity but more about your overall structure of your book. My downfall is that i don't read books as much as i should do, so today i decided to read a book that shares a similar niche to my books subject. Every writer has their own way of writing and putting their words into a lovely way that your reader finds enjoyable but what we often struggle to do is to plan. Reading helps you to plan. How?

By reading what others have written before you will help you get an idea of how you want your book to flow, chapter layout and such like. So my advice today would be to read more to get your mind flowing with ideas on the structure of your own book!.

Write Often an Important Factor when Writing a Book

It has been many days since i first put pen to paper with my new book, and as promised i would post to this blog every time i work on my book. One thing have noticed is that i have become distracted and i have struggled today to get back into the flow of writing. I think it was a big mistake to have a few days gap of not writing. The fact is i never stop thinking or planning my book but with other distractions it is surprising how such valuable thoughts and plans can get forgotten. I have decided from now on that no matter where i am or what i am doing that i will always carry a small note pad. It is important to jot down anything and everything so that when we do get time to put pen to paper we have the note pad to familiarize ourselves with all the previous days thoughts and plans for the book. Gte more help writing a book in my previous articles